Young Coconut Smoothie
1 young coconut (pictured left - Market Basket and Whole Foods both carry them)
pinch salt
vanilla liquid stevia or other sweetener
2-3 cups ice
First it is important to pick a good young coconut. Pick the lightest weighing young coconut. This indicates that there is more white flesh inside.
Next you need to hack it open. A machete probably works best, but I use a large kitchen knife that I dont care too much about (it will get damaged probably!). Hack 4 cuts into the top of the coconut in the shape of a square (see photo).
Pry open the square revealing the white flesh underneath. If the flesh is slimy and thin and purply/pinkish, the coconut is bad and you shouldn't use it.
Slice through the top layer of white flesh and pour the coconut water into your Vitamix or high-speed blender. Using a spoon, scrape the white flesh out of the coconut. Be careful to pick off any sharp husk fragments. A little brown soft skin is ok, you just don't want any wooden fragments.
That's the hardest part!
Now add cinnamon and vanilla to taste, pinch of salt, and about 4 drops of vanilla liquid stevia or to taste. Add ice. Blend well at high speed and enjoy!